I am sure you remember it just like yesterday – the day you finally started your business and became that entrepreneur you’ve always dreamt of. You were excited, hopeful and most importantly, proud of yourself.
“Nothing can stop me now” you said to yourself, but a few years (or in some cases months) down the line, the story changes and you start to feel choked, let down, frustrated and begin to wonder why you ventured into the business in the first place.
“Nothing can stop me now” you said to yourself, but a few years (or in some cases months) down the line, the story changes and you start to feel choked, let down, frustrated and begin to wonder why you ventured into the business in the first place.
Just like in a relationship, you may have fallen out of love with your business because it seems like it’s cheating on you. You give in so much yet you don’t know what to expect, your income has not been able to give you the life you want and you feel the sleepless nights and brainwork have been a waste.
Now you are thinking of quitting and probably going back to the 9-5 life where your salary is sure (or almost) every month. Hold that thought! Don’t throw in the towel – if you know in your heart of hearts that you went into the business as a result of a burning passion, and not just because others are in it and making money.
As an entrepreneur, feeling miserable sometimes does not mean you are in the wrong line of business, or that you should close shop (literally); it only means that you need to fall in love with your business all over again and find that missing spark that was once there.
Here are a few simple keys to sparking the flame again and to get you back on track to fulfilling your dreams as an entrepreneur.
Remind yourself of the good stuff
Yes, things around you might be reflecting otherwise, but you need to choose to see the good and rewards in every situation as regards your business.
Write love letters to yourself where you list out the reasons you love and went into your business at first. Print these notes and put them up all around your room so you see them first thing in the morning and read them out loud daily with a big smile on your face and enthusiasm in your voice.
Having excitement in your affirmations is important; it’s not just what you say, but how you say it. So, my dear, say it until it gets into your head and heart and you can deliver it with passion!
By doing these, the pitfalls always seem less significant; and with a little effort, adjustments, and patience, you can revive your affection and keep your love alive.
Delegation! Delegation!! Delegation!!!
There are some tasks that are essential to your business but you find boring, e.g. a fashion designer who is forced to balance accounts and settle other tax issues, may find this quite monotonous, and it may begin to affect his/her work in other ways.
If there are tasks that don’t really need your personal attention or expertise, you can hand them over to a professional who is perfectly capable of tending to them. I am sure you may be thinking, “How do I get the funds?” You can trade value with a friend who is an expert in that field, this way you aren’t spending cash.
In simple terms, any extra task that drags you down, lighten up by giving the responsibility to someone else.
Socialize, Have Professional Fun!
Whenever you are beginning to feel the lull of your business, it helps to go out and mix with people who are in the same field as you. Hearing other people’s experiences may give you a better perspective of what you are going through and probably solutions.
You can also mix with inspiring entrepreneurs and professionals to motivate you, because energy and enthusiasm are truly contagious. Enjoy getting out and meeting new people, going to new places.
Get out there to mix, mingle, and revive your business drive and determination.
Create a reward system
You know how excited and motivated kids get when they know they are earning a reward for something? It applies to your business too! Make your goals fun and rewarding, that way you get more out of it.
Make a goal and a new kind of REWARD system.For example, you can tell yourself, for every 2 new clients, you get a nice treat; it could be shopping or a nice meal. Rewards would keep you focused on the goal and help you hit the target faster.
Mend your heart with these few steps and talk to someone if you need to. The best is yet to come, so never give up and stay motivated to succeed!
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